Zilio Industries group is the result of two industrial reality, who belongs to the heating and sanitary technological field. The first one is Aquasystem, a 100% Italian company, which represents a real model in the engineering construction of the surge tanks and expansion vessels. Aquasystem is even today a brand leader in the industry, and fully represents the entrepreneurship and the constructive genius of the Northern-east of the Italian industry. The second one is Rondra, a Swiss company, leader on the production of radiators and heating systems, which was acquired by the Zilio family in 1997. Rondra comes from the synergy between the Swiss precision and Italian creative genius.
Establishment of Imera, the first factory in Italy that produces surge tanks and expansion vessels
Aquasystem has been an operative brand since 1960, and it is a referred brand in the industry at international level. In 1995 Antonio Zilio inaugurated the plant of Marchesane, in Bassano del Grappa, in the Northern-east of Italy
The Zilio family acquired the Swiss Rondra, a factory leader in the production of radiators and heating systems. The production line moved to Carmignano di Brenta in the Northern-east of Italy
The birth of the brand Zilio Industries
Establishment of Ar; Zilio Industries designed and developed the world of radiators and heating systems through the design and the interior architecture codes